Music Under the Dome: Viola Constellations

02jun5:00 pm7:15 pmMusic Under the Dome: Viola ConstellationsMusic Under the Dome Series

Event Details

Join us for this special MUTD concert, Viola Constellations! Presented by Katrin Meidell, Schwob School of Music Associate Professor of Viola, and host and coordinator of the 2022 American Viola Society Festival & 47th International Viola Congress, this concert will feature a world premiere of Philip Glass’s Songs for Solo Viola, transcribed and performed by Christine Rutledge. Also on the program are Izaak Walton and Christina Ebersohl performing Marek Harris’ Duo #3 for Violin & Viola. The program finishes with visual and auditory flair, featuring violist Sheila Browne in a world premiere of Schwob student Jeremy Jefferson’s Fantasy. Join us for an immersive and unforgettable evening at the 2022 AVS Festival & 47th IVC, hearing American musicians performing American music under the stars!

5:00pm Wine and Cheese Reception, 5:53pm Concert


June 2, 2022 5:00 pm - 7:15 pm EST(GMT-04:00)

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