We cannot wait to engage with you on all things space! We have a lot of options to help meet your goals, budget and time. From visiting the Center, to virtual programs or us coming to you, there is an option that will work for you. Not sure where to start? Don’t fret, contact our group booking expert Dutch Cummings (using the bell on this page), and he will guide you through the process. He’s great at customizing our offerings to meet YOUR needs!

Scott Norman Director of Education
and Resident Space Historian“I always have had a deep interest in space exploration and astronomy. I can remember at an early age, watching the last Apollo Moon missions in the 1970s. That is probably what really inspired me to be where I am today. I hope that I can bring that same inspiration and excitement about space and science to the students that I teach. Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders and innovators.” Scott has had a lifelong interest in space exploration and spaceflight history. Scott has worked at the Center for over 23 years. He is a graduate of Auburn University.
Cole Downey Muscogee County School District
Educator on Assignment“My first day working at the CCSSC was in 2006 at the 10th anniversary celebration. I loved every minute of it. Over time learned more and more about astronomy. I continued working part-time while in college, which led to taking astronomy courses for my education degree. After that, astronomy became my favorite subject.” After receiving his Master’s in Education, Cole taught in the classroom at MCSD for 5 years. He loves his new assignment at CCSSC, “Working at CCSSC has been a dream job for years. Teaching students about astronomy is the highlight of every day.”
for your teachers!
Contact Dr. Shawn Cruzen for more information.