Perseverance Rover (NASA)
Watching the festivities as Perseverance descended on Mars was exciting! If you would like to extend the celebration in your home, check out these links:
This landing timeline has all the videos you need to relive the landing experience. You can even use the backgrounds to picture yourself on Mars!
This logic based game will help you explore the surface of Mars like a rover would. Using coding logic you will navigate Mars’s terrain looking for samples. Challenge yourself to use the most direct paths possible!
PBS’s Ready Jet Go! series teaches viewers about science and astronomy. They’ve developed a “Rover Maker” game that walks you through what rovers need to function and what needs to be considered for each mission.
If you want to see Perseverance up close take a look at NASA’s AR version of Perseverance accessible though Google. It is a lot larger than most people imagine!
Google Arts and Culture has a virtual exhibit about the Mars 2020 mission that details the robots and tasks that Perseverance will take on during its time exploring the planet.
If you have about 600 MB of space to spare on your mobile device go and download the Smithsonian’s Missions to Mars AR application. If you don’t have the space you may want to make some!
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum has even more ways to explore our newest rover at:
In 2016 to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the rover Curiosity’s landing on Mars at Gale crater, NASA released this mobile and desktop game where you get to drive a rover across Mars’s surface to look for water. Watch out for steep hills!